
Odorless Garlic


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  • Helps to promote a healthy immune system
  • Treatment of inflammatory 
  • Garlic fights infections.

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Odorless Garlic Benefits:
– Odorless Garlic is an antifungal.
– Odorless Garlic is an antibacterial.
– Odorless Garlic lowers blood pressure.
– Odorless Garlic lowers cholesterol.
– Odorless Garlic has a positive effect on circulation.
Odorless Garlic may have a positive effect on impotence.
– Odorless Garlic cardio-protective.
– Odorless Garlic has anti-oxidant properties.
– Odorless Garlic helps to shorten a cold and prevent coughs.
– Odorless Garlic helps stomach conditions.
– Odorless Garlic has been shown to be effective in treating certain cancers.


Product Overview

Odorless Garlic the stinking rose – is a bulbous plant of the genus “allium”. There are around 500 members of the allium genus, which includes other well-known plants such as leeks, shallots and onions. Alliums are in turn part of the Alliaceae family.

The most commonly found garlic in the supermarkets is “allium sativum” which basically means “cultivated garlic”. This is subdivided into hard neck and soft neck garlic. Other forms of garlic sometimes found in supermarkets include “allium ursinum” (wild garlic, native to Northern Europe and Asia) and “allium ampeloprasum” (elephant garlic). Elephant Garlic looks appealing to garlic lovers due to its size but in fact the taste is mild, almost bland. Other forms of garlic include “allium vineale” (crow garlic) which has very small cloves and is reported to literally “stone the crows”.

The leaves of the garlic plant are pointed which is probably where it derived its name: “gaar” being an old gothic word for “spear” gives us “spear leek”.

The health benefits of garlic have been known for a long time. Garlic is even mentioned in the Christian Bible [Numbers 11: 4-6] and Babylonians used it in 3000 BC considering it a miracle plant. It was used mainly for respiratory tract illnesses, skin infections like leprosy and for intestinal worms and amoebas. Hipprocrates recommended Garlic for athletes in 460BC and presently Egyptian athletes still use it before competing in sporting events.

Botanists believe that garlic probably originated in central Asia thousands of years ago. Clay models of garlic were found in Egyptian tombs – six dried garlic bulbs were in the tomb of Tutankhamen.


The therapeutic qualities of garlic are nothing new. Sanskrit records reveal that garlic remedies were pressed into service in India 5,000 years ago, while Chinese medicine has recognized garlic’s powers for over 3,000 years. Even Louis Pasteur, who discovered penicillin, recognized the anti-bacterial powers of garlic back in 1858. And during World War Surgeon regularly used garlic juice to stop wound turning septic.

Garlic grows well with many other plants and helps protect them from fungus and pests. Scientists at Newcastle University have shown that a barrier of garlic oil is an effective slug and snail repellent. There is also evidence that garlic can help protect people against mosquito bites.

Principal properties of Odorless garlic

Heart relaxant, Fights hypertension, Anti-diabetic, Diuretic, Aids digestion, Muscle relaxant, Fight hyperthyroidism, Antirheumatic, Anthelmintic (combats intestinal worms), cough suppressant.



Odorless Garlic is rich in sugars, proteins, potassium, sulfur, iodine and silicon. In addition, it contains Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3 and C, Allicin, ajoene, selenium, diallyl sulphides, fatty substances, minerals (inorganic minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, sodium, etc.), and amino acids (lysine, arginine etc.).


ALLICIN: Allicin is the most powerful medicine derived from garlic and provides the greatest health benefits. It is in many cases stronger than penicillin and tetracycline. Allicin does not occur in “ordinary” garlic, it is produced when garlic is finely chopped or crushed. The finer the chopping and the more intensive the crushing, the more allicin is generated and the stronger the medicinal effect. As well as being an antibiotic, allicin is an excellent anti-fungal and can be used to treat skin infections such as athlete’s foot. The antibacterial properties of allicin are so extraordinary that, even when diluted to 120 thousandth, it is powerful enough to annihilate the devastating effect of cholera, typhoid, and dysentery bacteria. This is because allicin penetrates the bacteria and destroys their proteins, thereby limiting their destructive attacks on a healthy body. Needless to say, allicin is all the more effective when it encounters less powerful pathogens, such as the cold and influenza viruses.

The other remarkable health benefit of allicin is its ability to combine with thiamine to form allithiamine, which has the same properties as thiamine and yet works more effectively than thiamine itself.
Thiamine is responsible for the creation of energy that our body needs. Energy is generated from glucose; thiamine is indispensable in the process of dissolving glucose and thus generating energy. If the body lacks thiamine, it cannot produce enough energy, and a person feels tired and lacking in stamina. One problem with thiamine, however, is that it is not readily absorbed and is thus easily flushed out of the body.

Allithiamine, on the other hand, does not have this problem. In particular, its advantages are as follows: a) The amount of vitamin B1 (thiamine) that the human body can absorb at one time is only about 10 mg, but an unlimited amount of allithiamine can be taken in by the body; b) Once inside the body, allithiamine remains inside the blood, so the body can store it in large amounts and use it as need arises.


DIALLYL SULPHIDES: The diallyl sulphides obtained from garlic are less powerful than allicin but still provide some benefits to health. Diallyl sulphides are also less volatile than allicin. However they are good for the blood and circulation. The sulphides can help to lower the levels of “bad” cholesterol; hence garlic can help to keep the heart and cardiovascular system healthy.

Diallyl suphides also have a reputation for boosting the immune system and possibly even being effective against cancer. The garlic sulphides break down in the body within a few hours so for maximum health benefit it is best to have “a little often” as opposed to one large daily dose.


AJOENE: This component of garlic prevents the formation of blood clots and helps control cholesterol levels in blood thus preventing stokes and heart attacks.

SAPONINS: Lower blood pressure and prevent strokes.

FRUCTOSE: Stimulates the immune system.

SCORDININE: In 1936 in Japan, garlic was found to contain a substance called “scordinine” which is effective for increasing stamina, for helping the body recover from fatigue, and for promoting metabolism. It activates human metabolism, works inside the body in the same way as thiamine, and stimulates the hormone system to boost stamina

Garlic also contains a substance (fatty allicin), which has the same function as vitamin E, which is known to improve blood circulation, to cleanse the blood, to increase red corpuscles, and to refresh cells by promoting the circulation of oxygen throughout the body.
Now, the ability of allicin to combine with other substances works here, too. This time, it teams up with a fatty substance to become fatty allicin, which works in the same way inside the body as vitamin E. As a result, this fatty allicin is effective not only for aging of cells and for beautifying the skin, but also for cleansing the blood and for making the blood circulation smoother because of its antioxidant activity


Benefits of garlic


Of all garlic’s reputed medicinal benefits, perhaps the most well known is its use as an antibiotic. There are even stories of garlic being used to ward off the plague. It’s not known how effective this was, however there is some evidence that anthrax is sensitive to garlic. These antibacterial effects were first discovered in the early 19th century during an outbreak of infectious fever – English priests caught the fever but the French priests, who ate garlic every day, remained healthy. However, you don’t need to suffer with a fever to benefit from garlic’s health enhancing properties.

Garlic’s antibiotic properties have been more extensively studied than some of its other reputed health benefits. Louis Pasteur examined garlic’s use as an antibiotic back in the nineteenth century and showed how it killed bacteria under laboratory conditions. Numerous modern studies confirm that garlic has definite antibiotic properties and is effective against many bacteria, fungi and viruses. Some people have reported that even blood from a garlic eater can itself kill bacteria!

Some researchers have compared the effectiveness of garlic with that of commercial prescription antibiotics. The result is often that garlic is more effective than many broad-spectrum antibiotics. However if a particular bacterium or virus is being treated a more specifically targeted antibiotic could be more effective than garlic.

One significant advantage of garlic is that the body does not seem to build up a resistance to it as it does to many modern antibiotics. This also makes it potentially effective against hospital super bugs. Garlic is effective against bacteria like staphylococcus, salmonella and other germs that cause diarrhea, gastrointestinal and respiratory infections.



Garlic eliminates intestinal worms and amoeba.


Garlic helps loosen infectious secretions of the bronchial tubes. In addition it helps prevent head colds and flu. It fights colds, flu, sore throat, and other types of infections. Garlic’s antiseptic and antibacterial abilities were actually recognized centuries ago. Modern research confirms that, at least in the laboratory, the herb fights the germs responsible for causing the common cold, flu, sore throat, sinusitis, and bronchitis. Findings indicate that one of garlic’s therapeutic constituents, allicin, blocks key enzymes that aids bacteria and viruses in their effort to invade and damage tissues.


Garlic extract reportedly counters Candida albicans. When given the chance to proliferate, this naturally present organism is responsible for causing most yeast infections. Research suggests that the genital itching, inflammation, and thick discharge associated with vaginal yeast infections may abate with garlic treatment.


Schmidt and Marquardt produced the first serious published evidence of garlic benefits in 1936 when they demonstrated that garlic had extraordinary antifungal properties. As more research was done it was found that the active component in garlic was a chemical called allicin.

Laboratory studies indicate that compounds in garlic–probably allicin or closely related chemicals–can inhibit unwanted fungi. It’s unclear whether taking garlic orally will fight these types of infections, but garlic oil applied directly to the area is worth a try. Extensive research showed that garlic had antibacterial, antimicrobial (Candida Albicans (yeast infection)) activity at a dilution of 1:1000, garlic juice had no harmful effect on tissue cultures such as chicken embryos or kidney cells; however, it completely inhibited the growth of yeast. After also testing garlic on 139 species of fungi and yeast it was found that even in very small amounts (as little as 25 ppm) garlic still had a strong inhibitory effect.




Garlic activates the cells of the liver and thereby protects the liver from toxic substances. It also rejuvenates a tired liver and promotes its normal functioning.



When allicin is heated in the process of cooking the garlic, a substance called “ajoene” is formed. This substance has a suppressive effect on thrombi and blood cholesterol, so it is effective for the treatment of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. Because it stimulates the brain nerves and controls the workings of the heart at a constant level, garlic stabilizes blood pressure. It is also capable of dissolving cholesterol and fatty substances inside blood vessels and therefore refreshing cells and the blood inside the body



Allicin promotes the secretion of gastric juices by stimulating the mucous membranes of the stomach; furthermore, it combines with proteins, which can reduce excessive activity of the stomach. In addition, allicin regulates the functioning of the stomach by activating the large intestine and thus cure both constipation and diarrhea.


PROMOTION OF INSULIN SECRETION: Allicin combines with vitamin B1 (thiamine) to activate the function of the pancreas and thus promote insulin secretion. As a result, garlic is effective in the prevention or the cure of diabetes that is caused by a lack of insulin or by the defective functioning of the pancreas.

 ANTIRHEUMATIC: Garlic calms and eases pain caused by inflamed and aching joints.

HYPERTHYROIDISM: Garlic contains a lot of iodine, which helps people who suffer from hyperthyroidism, a deficiency of this mineral.

MUSCLE TONER; Muscles can be toned by taking garlic, which then can sustain an extra amount of work, as the Egyptians who build great pyramids said. It is also a great muscle relaxant.


Garlic prevents the blockage of gastric, pancreatic and intestinal juices, which are responsible for digesting the nutrients, by nerves and stress. It also helps promote a relaxed and toned digestive system. Specifically, studies have found that garlic is potentially beneficial in preventing digestive cancers.

DIURETIC: Garlic is highly diuretic due to its essential oils and its low molecular weight sugars.


Lowers high blood pressure. Garlic acts as a vasodilator, which helps widen blood vessels, making blood flow smoother. This helps to lower blood pressure. Experiments show signs of these effects in almost 75% of people.



Garlic has been reputed to assist the heart for centuries and has been used in herbal medicines for all manner of conditions. Modern medical science suggests one reason why garlic might reduce cholesterol: garlic is a proven anti-oxidant. This property might help to prevent LDL from being oxidized. In this way the cholesterol build-up that clogs the arteries could perhaps be reduced by garlic. A mounting body of research indicates that garlic also works to lower high cholesterol by interfering with its metabolism in the liver, the organ that releases cholesterol into the bloodstream. Cholesterol levels may fall as a result. Various trials have found that garlic supplements can lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and triglyceride levels while raising the level of HDL (“good”) cholesterol.

While not all trials report such positive results, it may be worth trying garlic along with other cholesterol-lowering supplements. For example, when the Journal of the Royal College of Physicians reviewed data on cholesterol in 1993, it found that after just four weeks there was a 12 per cent reduction in cholesterol levels in the research groups that had taken garlic. 


Garlic helps to reduce atherosclerotic buildup (plaque) and helps to prevent blood clots from forming. Garlic works in the body on the platelets, which are the blood clotting cells, making them less likely to stick together and cling to artery walls causing heart attacks.


Garlic has been associated from ancient times with vigor. In general it revitalizes and promotes great strength and endurance, especially in athletes.

WARTS &INSECT BITESWhen taken orally, garlic may lessen stomach upset, and when it’s applied topically in the form of oil, garlic may help heal insect bites and even shrink unsightly but harmless common warts. (When treating warts you can also try taping a piece of fresh garlic onto the area for several nights.)


Garlic benefits the heart in numerous ways. By making blood platelets less likely to clump and stick to artery walls, it lessens the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and a subsequent heart attack. The latest findings indicate that the clot-busting compound ajoene, a derivative of allicin, discourages the development of artery-hardening plaque. It regulates the cardiac rhythm. Helping avoid arrhythmia. This is beneficial for people that have accelerated heart rates and cardiac arrhythmia.


Garlic and Cancer

Ever since a report came out of the United States showing that a liquid extracted from garlic can control the growth of cancerous cells and reduces the size of the tumor in cancer patients and thereby prolonging their lives, many studies have been conducted on this subject throughout the world. It is now suspected that a mineral called “germanium” found in garlic may have something to do with the effectiveness of garlic against cancer, but more studies are needed to find out how garlic works on cancerous cells.


There is a long history of using garlic to get rid of many insects, from slug to mosquito. Garlic has a reputation for protecting people from mosquito bites. There are a number of commercial garlic sprays on the market, these effectively coat an area and produce a natural mosquito barrier.

It’s not clear why garlic should be an effective mosquito repellent. It would seem that the powerful compounds such as allicin which garlic releases are inimical to mosquitoes. They have therefore evolved to avoid garlic. Another possibility is that the strong smell of garlic overwhelms the mosquito’s sense of smell and prevents them from finding their prey (us!).

Garlic is more effective at repelling some species of mosquitoes than others. Whatever the mechanism, garlic’s ability to repel mosquitoes has been proven scientifically. There is strong anecdotal evidence that simply consuming large quantities of garlic can help to prevent mosquito bites.

PRE-ECLAMPSIA: New Studies in the UK are showing that garlic can be beneficial during pregnancy, and can reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia. These studies show that garlic may help to boost the birth-weight of babies who are too small. And even more recently the medical journal ‘Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy’ confirmed that garlic has chemotherapeutic effects.

Garlic has a positive effect on impotence, circulation and is an antioxidant


General Applications:

Arteriosclerosis, arthritis, asthma, blood poisoning, blood pressure (high or low), bronchitis, cancer, candida, circulatory insufficiency, colds, colitis, cough, digestive disorders, ear infections, fever, flu, fungus, gas, heart disease, infections (viral or bacterial), liver illness, lung disorders, parasites, Pinworm, yeast infections, anti-aging, painful leg cramps, blot clot prevention.

Directions: Garlic should be taken with meals to avoid irritating the stomach.

Athlete’s Foot, ringworm and other fungal skin infections: Apply to contents of softgel to affected areas twice a day.

Candida Overgrowth Syndrome: 500 mg 3 times a day

Colds: 500 mg 3 times a day for five days. Dose can be reduced to once a day for maintenance purposes after this.

Earache: Place a few drops oil in the ear twice a day.

Flu: 500-1000 mg 3 times a day for five days. Dose can be reduced to once a day for maintenance purposes after this.

High Blood Pressure: 500 mg twice a day

High Cholesterol:500 mg a day

Nail Problems: Rub several drops oil into affected area twice a day until infection clears; alternative to tea tree oil.

Sore Throat: 500 mg 4 times a day with food.

Warts: Moisten a compress with garlic oil from softgel. Leave on overnight; repeat until the wart heals. Keep oil or clove away from unaffected skin.

Yeast Infection (Vaginal): 500mg (providing 4,000-5,000 mcg allicin) twice a day

Advise: Because medicinal amounts of garlic may intensify the effects of medications designed to prevent blood clots (anticoagulants or aspirin) or to reduce high blood pressure (antihypertensives), consult your doctor before combining garlic and these drugs.

  • Garlic may interfere with the action of drugs that lower blood sugar; consult your doctor before taking both at the same time.
  • Some people have trouble digesting garlic, which can irritate the stomach lining and cause nausea or intestinal gas. Large doses in particular can cause heartburn and diarrhea.


Supplements Facts

Serving Size : One (1) softgel


Amount per serving

% Daily Value

Concentrated Odorless Garlic Oil

5 mg


(equivalent to 500 mg of fresh garlic clove)


*Daily Value not established

Other ingredients: Soybeans oil, gelatin,glycerin,silica


Avoid garlic supplements before surgery because the herb’s anti-clotting actions may prolong bleeding from a surgical wound.

Weight 33 g

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