
PH STRIPE 5,5 -7,5


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  • Helps measure body acidity
  • NG4L PH Stripes can be used to assess the acidity level of various body and non-body fluids

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The acidity of your body is dangerous to your health

PH Stripe Benefits:

  • PH Stripe helps measure body acidity​​ 

  • NG4L PH Stripe can be used to assess the acidity level of various body​​ and non-body fluids

Test the degree of acidity in your body with a simple gesture and keep potentially dangerous diseases away from you.

Our organism is constantly balancing its PH level (hydrogen potential), i.e. its acidity​​ level. The PH level of our blood is 7.4, i.e. very slightly basic. It is vital for our organism that this constant is maintained in balance and above all, that it does not drop below 7. In other words, it is vital that the PH of our body is not acidic, hence the need to know the body’s acidity level in order to remedy it.


It is easy to see that our current eating habits essentially include acid-generating foods. Fortunately, our body has the ability to use systems called buffers to neutralize acidity and​​ maintain the balance of its internal environment.

Buffer systems involve both certain organs known as the emunctory organs such as liver, kidney, lungs, skin, which remove acidity, and certain minerals such as calcium and magnesium which neutralize acidity. In fact, calcium is taken from bones to buffer acidity and magnesium is taken from cells and the cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels) for the same reason. Therefore, when there is too much acidity, the bones, the cardiovascular system and the​​ cells in general are in a real state of suffering, because our body will always try to neutralize the acidity; remember, this balance is vital for​​ all the phenomena that take place in our body, so whatever the price to pay, it will do it!


What acts on our body’s acidity level?

  • Dietary deficiencies, especially in essential minerals such as calcium and magnesium, vitamins, trace elements and enzymes (which improve digestion);

  • Poor digestion (firstly because it can lead to​​ deficiencies, but also because the food we do not digest properly produces acidic waste);

  • A poor diet of fruit and vegetables and poor hydration.

  • Stress whatever its source;

  • Lack of oxygen ;

  • Too much sugar ;

  • Too much coffee, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages ;

  • Acidic and acidifying foods ;

  • Excess saturated fat (leads to the production of ketonic acid);

  • The free radicals caused by oxidation, produce more acidic substance;

  • Insufficient elimination by our emunctory organs: breathing, perspiration, urine, stool.


What are the consequences of acidity in the body?

  • Premature aging. A high acidity alters the capacity of our body to fight against free radicals (substances that cause the aging of our body by damaging our cells);

  • Heartburn and digestive ulcers due to high acidity, etc.

  • Osteoporosis which is a decalcification of bones;

  • Joint or muscle pain due to the deposition of toxic waste in the tissues

  • Exhaustion of the nervous system which creates a lot of nervousness and stress, leading to a vicious circle;

  • Infertility: An acidic environment can prevent fertilization in women or sperm production in men.

  • Increased risk of cancer disease. It has been scientifically established that acidity is a precancerous condition;

  • Dental caries. Acidity destroys tooth enamel.

  • Skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, hives. The body trying to eliminate toxins at all costs can evacuate them through the skin which creates various problems;

  • Destruction of saprophytic (friendly) bacteria in the​​ digestive tract, which disrupts digestion and increases the risk of digestive infection​​ 

  • Skin and hair lose their lustrous, shiny appearance due to weakened connective tissue;

  • Decreased energy and fatigue, because the cells are no longer well oxygenated ;

  • Muscle cramps and fatigue, as acidic waste products such as lactic acid and ammonia are produced and limit muscle contractions



Description Ng4l Ph Stripes

NG4L PH Stripes is a ribbon​​ test that allows you to easily assess your body’s acidity level without the need for a constraining blood sample. This simple test requires only a small amount of your saliva. Simply place a piece of tape under your tongue for one minute. Under the effect​​ of your saliva, the ribbon changes color; all that remains is to compare the color of the ribbon with the PH scales on the back of the NG4L PH Stripes package. NG4L PH Stripes can be used to assess the acidity level of various body and non-body fluids.

NG4L products recommended for PH balance​​ 

NG4L Ultra Coral Calcium Supreme/NG4L Super Coral Calcium Plus. Dietary supplement with high absorptivity designed from sea bed coral calcium, which contains in addition to high concentrations of calcium a full range of 73 essential minerals in perfect balance, as in nature. NG4L Coral Calcium Supreme contains in addition all B vitamins, vitamins A, E, D, and K. Coral Calcium is naturally synergistic with the human body and maintains an alkalinity (an alkaline PH slightly higher than 7 like that of the blood) optimal for optimal health. It contains a high concentration of magnesium and a calcium/magnesium ratio equal to 2, which corresponds to ideal conditions to maximize their availability in the body.


NG4L Acidophilus. Formula aimed at restoring the balance of the saprophytic flora by a contribution of pro-biotics, and thus ensure and maintain digestive well-being.

NG4L Magnesium Citrate: NG4L Magnesium Citrate is a supplement that contains 300 mg of Magnesium Citrate per capsule. Magnesium is a mineral whose role is crucial for the acid-base balance, energy production, the muscle contraction, transmission of nerve impulses and bone mineralization.

NG4L Ultra Man/Ultra Woman: Specific​​ formulas for men and women, developed by nutritionists and experienced scientists to ensure a diet that takes into account their fragile health. Taking into account the optimal moment when the body needs the different vitamins and minerals, this formula represents a unique supplement for the supply of vitamins and minerals for the daily use of the man or woman.



Avoid the following foods as much as possible: Fruit – orange, grapefruit, pineapple, kiwi, rhubarb, and​​ pomegranate. Meat – especially pork. Beverages – carbonated water, coffee. Sweets – cream cookies, sweet pies, jams. Others – dried beans, nuts, peanuts, ketchup, vinegar, mustard, dressings.

Increase consumption of the following foods: Fruit – bananas, dates, figs, dried fruit, apples, pears, sweet peaches, etc. Vegetables – cabbage, squash, avocados, beets, turnips, parsnips, artichokes, green peas, spinach, yellow beans, celery, baby carrots. Other – drink at least two liters of water every day, consume​​ whole meal flours, almonds, egg yolk.

Weight 15 g

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