
DHEA 25mg

  • DHEA  libido increase (relation frequency, desire, physical or psychological signs).
  • Anti- carcinogenic
  • Anti- obesity factor
  • Affects glucose metabolism
  • Has a direct effect in appetite
  • Anti Aging effects on skin, nerves and brain. Increase in muscle mass.
  • Enhances brain function
  • Acts as a buffering agent
  • Blood Sugar lowering effect
  • Reduction of erythematic systemic lupus
  • Weight loss

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  • Effective in protecting the eyes
  • Decrease the likelihood of developing cataracts
  • Helps the eyes to better adapt to both bright and low lighting
  • Reduces the risk of developing macular degeneration many eye-related problems


What is DHEA?

DHEA is short for Dehydroepiandrosterone. DHEA is generally known as the mother of all hormones. It is mostly produced by the adrenal glands, which sit on top the kidneys. DHEA is an amazing steroid; it has the capacity to become any number of other intermediates and full-fledged hormones that the body needs whether you are a male or female. DHEA is ultimately converted into estrogen (the female sex hormone) and androgen (the male sex hormone). With age, DHEA levels in the body naturally decline.

Researchers are presently investigating whether these lower levels can explain certain age-related ailments–and whether taking DHEA supplements will keep them at bay. Specifically, scientists are examining DHEA’s power to protect against heart disease in older men, its ability to boost the immune system, and whether it can help in managing diabetes and easing lupus symptoms. The strongest evidence so far may be for DHEA’s power to enhance the quality of life of older people, increasing their energy level and ability to handle stress


Apart from its role as precursor of the sex hormones, DHEA is in opposite relation with the production of corticosteroid hormones, which are produced by the suprarenal glands in reaction to stress.
However, stress is an essential factor of the decline of DHEA starting at 30 years of age, which is accompanied by an increase of susceptibility to diseases, which goes hand in hand with the acceleration of ageing.

It does not occur naturally. DHEA is made in laboratories from a saponin of vegetal origin called diosgenin. The human body does not have the necessary enzymes to make this conversion by itself.

Most people over 30 years old have DHEA levels well below those only a few years prior. For many of these people, DHEA supplementation offers the promise of a more youthful body and an improved life. Unfortunately as we age the production of this steroid decreases.  Past 40 years of age, the DHEA level is not any higher than half of the optimal level, and over 75 it declines from 80% to 90%. By age 80 we make as little as 5% of the amount we used to make at age 20. Because of this natural occurrence, DHEA can be used by doctors as a determinant for health and is said to be one of the best biochemical biomarkers for chronological age.


Brain function: DHEA may even have an effect on brain function in that it may be intimately involved in protecting brain neurons from senility-associated degenerative conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Not only do neuronal degenerative conditions occur most frequently when DHEA levels are lowest, but brain tissue contains many times more DHEA than is found in the bloodstream.


Corticosteroid-related Thymic destruction: DHEA has even been reported to counteract the thymic destruction due to aging and immuno-suppression caused by corticosteroids.

Immune system and cancer: DHEA’s effect on the immune system may also have a direct effect on the body’s ability to protect itself against diseases such as cancer, and other immuno deficient diseases. Early reports from England [Bulbrook, 1962, 1971] suggested that DHEA was abnormally low in women who developed breast cancer, many years before the diagnosis of the disease. Of the 5000 women followed in the study, 27 developed cancer. Most of the 27 had abnormally low levels of DHEA.
It’s effect on the immune system has led researchers to believe that DHEA may play an important role in fighting AIDS


Stress Buffer: DHEA may have a systemic buffering capacity in that it can help to buffer the system against sudden changes in acidity or alkalinity. That’s why when you get older; you’re much more vulnerable to the effects of stress, which can make you very acidic. As DHEA declines with age, you are losing the buffer against the stress-related hormones. It’s DHEA’s buffering action that may help prevent us from aging.

Osteoporosis: Recently DHEA has been found to be highly significant in preventing vertebral bone density loss in postmenopausal women, suggesting that DHEA may help protect against osteoporosis. It has long been known that that androgenic hormones such as those found in men keep bone density thick and helps to prevent bone mass loss. DHEA helps to maintain balance in this, and almost every other respect for both men and women.


Antioxidant: It increases the production of antioxidant enzymes in the liver. So you can see that DHEA is very important as a protective agent as we age. DHEA has anti-aging properties, because it counteracts the stress hormone, Cortisol, which cannibalizes our body and causes destruction of tissues causing rapid aging. Elizabeth Barrett-Conor, MD, charted DHEA sulfate levels in 242 men, ages 50-79, for twelve years. She observed that 100mcg/dl increase in the DHEA sulfate level was associated with a 36% reduction in death from cardiovascular disease. According to the research taking DHEA may just be one of the keys to the fountain of youth!


Weight loss: Another benefit of DHEA is its ability to help the body burn calories for energy rather than store them as fat. DHEA blocks an enzyme named G6PD (glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase) that is not only essential for fat tissue production but also promotes cancer cell growth.


DHEA works in three important ways: it maintains normal sex hormone levels, inhibits the damaging effects of stress, and increases the production of antioxidant enzymes in the liver. Low levels of DHEA can lead to chronic fatigue, weakness, depression, headaches, and leave one susceptible to infections and disease.

Research indicates DHEA therapeutic effects in many chronic conditions including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, obesity, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, disorders of the immune system, depression, and osteoporosis. For each of the medical conditions listed above, there are many studies invariably demonstrating them to be associated with low blood levels of DHEA.


Research: Thousands of studies have demonstrate without ambiguity that DHEA ameliorates one’s vitality and well being in a spectacular manner, that it reinforces the immunity system, reduces the discomforts of menopause, and aids in preventing osteoporosis, as well as ameliorating the neurological functions, memory, and the quality of the sleeping patterns. DHEA has been shown to affects in a positive manner the organism’s response to cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, erythematic systemic lupus, and Alzheimer cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, obesity, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, disorders of the immune system, depression, and osteoporosis. These studies will soon verify the basic hypothesis of the endocrinal theory of aging: many degenerative diseases and functional deteriorations result in the lowered production of certain hormones. Hormonal supplementation permits us to stop these problems, and maybe even inverse them.


Recommended Dosage: The optimal dosage varies for each individual. Lifestyle, metabolism, and medical history all influence the use of this supplement. In general, it is recommended for women to take 25 mg per day, and 50 mg for men. By taking DHEA as a supplement in these quantities for 4 to 6 weeks, it is possible to restore the optimal hormonal levels measured between the ages of 25 and 30.
But, the best means to know your exact need is the saliva test (precise medical method to restore your optimal DHEA level). DHEA should preferably be taken in the morning along with breakfast.

AgingWomen: 25 mg once a day; men: 50 mg once a day
Fibromyalgia25 mg (women) 50 mg (men) each morning
Lupus100-200 mg a day with physician’s supervision
Chronic fatigue syndrome25 mg once a day for two months, then reduce to 1-2 times a week
Weight Loss25 mg each morning


Although DHEA is sold in vitamin shops and health-food stores, keep in mind that it’s a powerful hormone. Only use it under a doctor’s supervision. Long-term effects remain to be determined.

Before starting to take DHEA supplements, have a blood test to determine your present level of this hormone. Only proceed if your level is low; healthy people under age 50 rarely need to take this supplement. Have another blood test three weeks after taking DHEA to determine if a satisfactory DHEA blood level has been reached. Once within the normal range, revert to a maintenance dose (typically 5 to 10 mg a week).

Certain cancers are affected by hormone levels in the body. Before taking DHEA, have your doctor check for hormone-related cancers such as prostate cancer and breast cancer. Don’t use DHEA if you are at risk for either of these cancers.

High levels of DHEA can cause very oily skin, acne, increased facial hair in women, deepening of the voice, and mood swings. In one animal study, extremely high doses of this hormone were linked to the development of liver cancer.


Contraindications: Individuals under 30 years of age (unless specifically said otherwise by a physician), pregnant or nursing women, as well as those wanting to conceive and individuals suffering of breast or prostate cancer should not take DHEA. Additionally, if you are under treatment for any other condition, get advice from your physician.

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